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The "Badass Captain" Dress

For when you need to look good while taking charge.

This dress isn't here to make friends - it's here to make a point. Perfect for those days when you're tired of beating around the bush and ready to cut through the nonsense.


  • Comfortable enough for long lectures on integrity
  • Stylish enough to soften the blow of hard truths
  • Versatile design: Goes well with both raised eyebrows and slow claps

Ideal for:

  • Impromptu speeches
  • Calling out coworkers
  • Being the voice of reason nobody asked for, but everyone needed

Warning: May cause sudden outbursts of honesty and an irresistible urge to stand up for what's right. Wear at your own risk - and everyone else's benefit.

Not recommended for yes-men, pushovers, or anyone allergic to the truth. Side effects may include increased respect and a notable decrease in workplace shenanigans.

Remember: When you wear the "Badass Captain," you're not just dressed for success - you're dressed for justice

The"Badass Captain" Dress

Excluding Taxes
Expected to ship by end of August




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